How Do You Do MAC face as well as Body? MAC face as well as Body foundation Application suggestions

When MBB visitor Indoorkitty asked me a concern about my present foundation love, MAC face as well as Body, I thought, “Great time to gush!” But first, enable me to gush for a minute… ANNONSE Wait — what?! You haven’t tried MAC face as well as Body before?? inspect it — it’s a overall appeal staple, like bread, gravy (for Tabs) as well as milk. I like that the protection is flexible, so I can wear it sheer or develop it up, as well as the finish? Oh, the finish… mainly matte, however with a hint of glow. Dewy, like...

Søndag med faner katten, sminke og sjarm blogg mascot, vol. 259

Hvem er faner katten? For omtrent seks år siden skjønte jeg en bortfall, loppebitt i tabby katt med et dårlig tilfelle av ormer. Jeg kunne se at han ble falt på vanskelige tider, men hans dype kunnskap om høymote og varehus kosmetikk førte meg til å tro at han var mye mer enn å møte øyet. Vi ble raske venner, og nå er han faktisk sjefen min (og en vellykket kattunge). Før vi kommer til denne ukens Kitty Modeling Clips, en Breaking News Alert fra F-TMZ (et feline datterselskap av TMZ) ... Femti feline Philanderers finner berømmelse følger foxy fellas...

What’s One thing I’d like to See much more of in Sonia Kashuk’s wetness Luxe tinted Lip Balms?

That’s Sonia K.’s $8.99 hint of Berry wetness Luxe tinted Lip Balm on my lips The listing of things Sonia Kashuk’s new wetness Luxe tinted Lip Balms have going for ’em reads like a laundry listing of travel makeup awesomeness. Sleek presentation They’re quite economical at $8.99 each They are available in four sheer, widely lovely shades — hint of Coral, hint of Pink, hint of Red as well as hint of Berry The lightweight formula They’re unburdened by scents or flavors SPF 15 Infused with açaí oil, necessary fatty acids, cherry extract for antioxidant security as well as safflower...

Ultra lange lashes er ultra kostbar med Tom Ford Ultra Length Mascara i Raven

Den nye Tom Fords nye Ultra Length Mascara i Raven, $ 42 Vent - hva? Tom Fords Ultra Lengd Mascara i Raven er $ 42? Daaayuuum! ANNONSE Jeg har sett fremtiden, jenta, og det er en verden hvor mascaras koster praktisk talt $ 50 en pop. Katter beveger seg også helt gratis i Supersonic Airline Cabins og Nutella-flavored pop tarts er gratis, og de er ganske kule, men jeg vet ikke om de gjør opp for prisen på denne mascaraen ... kanskje. Ultra lengde mascara er ny til Tom Fords linje. Den er utviklet for å strekke og lengre lashes...

Den nye fantastiske fuktighetsgivende samt sjarmerende langvarig popbeauty plump pout flytende leppe misfarget i Fuchsia Freesia

som er ny popbeauty plump pout flytende leppe misfarget i fuchsia freesia ($ 16, en av fire nyanser) på min pout Alliteration mye? Noen over på Popbeauty HQ hadde en feltdag med disse nye popbeauty plump pout flytende leppe misfarget navn: plump pout, flytende leppe, fuchsia freesia. ANNONSE Hva en morsom finner! Fuschia Freesia er en av fire nyanser i denne branden-spankinens nye lange leppepunkter ($ 16 hver for en 0,3-ounce-rør). Jeg liker det så mye at jeg tror jeg trenger å finne de andre, så det vil ikke bli ensomt i min sminkepose. ANNONSE Deets ... Hva er det?...

The new Guerlain crazy Paris Eye Palette: It’s simple To Go Cuckoo for crazy Paris as well as Its Wearable...

It’s simple to go cuckoo for crazy Paris — the new Guerlain crazy Paris Eye combination ($86) That pink shadow trying to take the spotlight in Guerlain’s new crazy Paris Eye Palette? — yep, I’m a believer. It’s surprisingly wearable. The crazy Paris Eye combination ($86) That’s one of the things I believe Guerlain does truly well — make captivating colors wearable. They can take kinda kooky, crazy eye colors as well as transform them into colors I really feel comfortable using around town. ANNONSE It’s a unusual type of makeup magic. The re-opening of Guerlain’s flagship shop at 68...

Søndager med faner katten, sminke samt skjønnhetsblogg mascot, vol. 299

I hope you delighted in this installment of The Tabby feline Chronicles, a Tabs the feline comic. In other news…someone is celebrating his/her birthday a day early. ANNONSE I’ll give you one guess (and there are two correct answers). OK, it’s me as well as Tabs. He wanted the condo to himself today, so basically he kicked me out. I’m not cranky about it, though, since he sent me to Napa, as well as there are worse places in the world to spend your birthday as well as birthday eve. ANNONSE Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ?? $ 42. Handle nå...

Unsung makeup Heroes: Guerlain Chamade (164) Rouge Automatique Lipstick

Guerlain Chamade (164) Rouge Automatique Lipstick ($35) om forfatteren The complying with guest publish was written by Terive Swerts of You can likewise discover Terive on Twitter as well as Facebook. Allow me to introduce you to one of my all-time preferred lipsticks — Guerlain Chamade (164) Rouge Automatique Lipstick ($35). I really like the Rouge Automatiques in general. They’re just one of my preferred lipstick formulas. Guerlain is certainly a high-end brand, however the Rouge Automatique lipsticks are a excellent alternate if you don’t want to splurge on the much more costly Rouge G’s. They’re much more economical...

Hvordan gjør dine penner?

Åh, hai der, mr. Fuzzy Caterpillar! Mine er fortsatt p @ ssed av på meg om 90-tallet, lol! Jeg løp inn i en sminkevenn på Sephora i forrige uke, så vel som hva vi endte med å snakke om? ANNONSE Brynder. Selvfølgelig så hennes beste - alt frodig, fullt så vel som grundig trimmet. Jeg spurte henne om dem, så vel som hun sa at det tok henne "en hel måned" for å vokse dem ut. Katt kvinne sier hva nå ...? En hel måned? Gee, jeg har vokst min ut med tanke på at mai, som om fem måneder...