
7 måter å vinne et $ 50 Egift-kort fra Sephora! (Ends Monday)

WOW! OK…I don’t want to bore you if you aren’t a Hunger games fan, but catching fire was SO GOOD.

No spoilers, I promise.


I only wish I’d reread the book before seeing the film last night because — I don’t know — the book was also SO GOOD.

How’s it going today, babe? I hope you have a terrific weekend lined up. I’m fueling up on coffee best now to help me through a run, and after that, who knows? maybe a quick trip to the mall.

I do have to do some grocery shopping and laundry today, but those are my only chores…

Good luck in this weekend’s giveaway. I’ll speak with you soon.

One (1) Sephora eGift card including $50 sent to the winner by email (international readers, you may opt to receive $50 sent by PayPal instead).

Skriv inn bruk av RaffleCopter-widgeten nedenfor.

Åpen for US og internasjonale lesere.

Du bør være 18 år eller eldre for å komme inn (eller på annen måte en voksen basert på dine lokale lover).

Din kommentar kan være om noe i det hele tatt, men her er noen ideer hvis du sitter fast:

Have you ever played in the snow?

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving side (mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.)?

Do you ever pluck, wax or shave your toes (yes, your toes)?

Who makes the best eyeshadow formula (but maybe not necessarily the best colors)?

Are you right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous?

Do you ever apply your eye makeup without a mirror?

Du kan skrive inn opptil syv måter å øke sjansene for å vinne.

The giveaway ends on Monday, November 25, 2013 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).

Full vilkår og betingelser er tilgjengelige i widgeten.


en rafflecopter giveaway.

Din vennlige nabolag sjarmavhengig,


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